- Hand watering of all landscape plant materials and vegetable plantings, excluding lawns, is permitted, except during Stage 4.
- Sprinkling is never permitted between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.
- Only one half-inch diameter outside tap may be used at any one time for sprinkling.
- Never use an open, free flowing pipe, outlet or hose for any watering.
- Properties equipped with automated sprinkler systems may only water between midnight and 6 a.m. on the days described below.
- Properties equipped with manually controlled sprinkling systems, including those attached to outside taps, may only water from 6 to 11 a.m. or 6 p.m. to midnight on the days described below.

- Even Numbered address may only water on even calendar days.
- Odd numbered addresses may only water on odd calendar days.
- Properties may irrigate lawns, trees, flowers and shrubs up to three days a week
- Automated systems should operate between 12am and 6am
- Filling pools, hot tubs and daily watering of household gardens for food is still permitted.

- Even Numbered address may only water on Saturdays and Tuesdays.
- Odd numbered addresses may only water on Sundays and Wednesdays.

- Even Numbered address may only water on Saturdays.
- Odd numbered addresses may only water on Sundays.
- No filling of swimming pools, hot tubs, garden ponds or decorative fountains is permitted.
- No washing of vehicles, boats, bikes - motorized or otherwise, RVs or ATVs is allowed.
- No washing of sidewalks, driveways, patios, or eaves can occur.

- No watering is permitted outdoors for any purpose.